My little miracle (okay miracles aren’t measured big or little, but here’s my story). I lost my cell phone a few weeks ago. I was bummed, it was new in a new holder; it was going to take a long time to get 200+ contacts loaded into another phone.
I went shoveling at the neighbors who, for age and health reasons are unable to shovel snow. Then, I went to pick up a friend and her child for our family night (her car has bad tires and we just got a lot of snow), while I waited for them to come out, I shoveled a walking path on their driveway. On the way to my house we saw a mini-van stuck in the snow. We stopped and helped the van out.
At home I realize I can’t find my cell phone, I can’t remember if I had it with me or not… It’s a bit disappointing when I look around the house and the car without locating it. I know from past experience winter camping that snow is a thief and there are three or more locations the snow could have robbed me.
I decided there was only one who could help me, the one who knows all. I prayed, Heavenly Father if it is thy will, help locate my cell phone.
Prayer alone is not enough, so I went looking. I went to all the locations my phone could have been and called my number from Mary’s phone. I could not hear a single chirp from my phone, I could tell it was active as I didn’t go directly to voice-mail, but if it was at these locations it was buried.
I continued to pray. I figured if it showed up at the shoveling locations someone would find it and I would get it back. So, the area of concern was the street corner where I had pulled the mini-van out. I drove by the corner and looked for my phone. Soon the snow was plowed back by the snow plow, my faith was being tested, I could just picture my phone smashed to pieces and buried ‘til spring.
I prayed more and hoped for the best. In the mean time I replaced my phone, but didn’t load phone numbers unless I had to call or received a call.
Saturday we had a big melt and I was able to clear a lot of snow and ice from the driveway. After the basketball game I was driving home and felt I should drive by the corner again. I stopped the car. I walked along the street scanning the ground. Guess what I found on top of the snow bank – my phone, still in its case. It works just like the day I lost it.
It was a miracle, and I am grateful God answers prayers. Sometimes He answers “Yes”, sometimes “No”, and sometimes, like this time, the answer is “in time, be patient”.
Not my phone but you get the idea...